Sunday, October 4, 2009

Attempt number 2

2006 December was when I started this blog and so far have managed to notch up three entries. This is my 2nd attempt at maintaining a blog and let us see how it fares


Its quite weird..I can write all I want to in a book and bite of the back of whichever pen I'm holding but I can never seem to sit at a computer and write a blog! I don't know if its the lack of ink or some complicated keyboard phobia but thoughts just stop flowing when I'm at this.

Come to think of it I don't remember why my blog is called screamatquixote. I didn't hold that misguided knight any grudges in 2006 and still don't so I'll just put it down to teenage angst.

Moving on, I've just finished Gerald Durrell's "My Family & Other Animals". By some quirk of Fate two friends decided to gift me this book way before my birthday and I ended up with two copies. It follows the hilarious expedition of the Durrell family who decide to pack their bags and move to the island of Corfu in Greece and the adventures that ensue during the 4 years the family of five -the Mother, gun-toting Leslie, book-snobbish Larry, Margo, Gerry the naturalist and the host of animals he collects from dogs to scorpions to seagulls- spend in Corfu. I stumbled upon a passage from this book in 10th grade and had since then been vainly trying to get my hands on the book until some very savvy friends of mine found it on the internet. Makes rubbish of my usual approach of searching in the nooks and crannies of the Sunday Book Bazar at Abids, Best bookshop and random bookstalls put up enticingly along roads for souls like me. When I remarked this to a friend she said you want to read the book or to search for it? Both I guess. The journey is the reward, the thrill of the chase etc etc all apply when you sit with a smug smile of satisfaction leafing through yellowed pages of something published before your parents were born.

Yes well, I think I'll stick to my diaries. The bloody backspace button is the culprit. You erase and forget, instead of scratching out, unscratching, editing, more scratching and then arriving at the perfect sentence.

1 comment:

Anantha Krishna said...

Nice one!

I love searching books at Abids bazaar. A sense of triumph - after searching rows and rows of books from 2nd class math to high level scientific books.